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اخر تحديث:
Khan Younis Training College
التصنيف الرئيسي
Ownership type
وكالة الغوث
Khan Yunis
– Khan Younis: Neighborhood of Hope
سنة التأسيس
عدد الأكاديميين
عدد العاملين
Students Statistics
Number of Students /Males Number of Students /Females Number of Students /Total
28 176 204
Number of New Students /Males Number of New Students /Females Number of New Students /Total
11 88 99
Number of New Graduates/Males Number of New Graduates/Females Number of New Graduates/Total
21 136 157
نبذة عامة

Khan Younis Training College was established in 2007. It sought to achieve its pioneering goal among technical and applied academic institutions in the Gaza Strip and the region, so that its graduates have the ability to compete in the local and global labor market. The college worked on offering distinguished diploma programs in professional and technical disciplines, as well as establishing bachelor's programs in applied sciences to keep pace with environmental, economic and industrial changes, and development in the local and global labor market.

تفاصيل التأسيس والتمويل
Khan Younis Training College was established in 2007. It sought to achieve its pioneering goal among technical and applied academic institutions in the Gaza Strip and the region, so that its graduates have the ability to compete in the local and global labor market. The college worked on offering distinguished diploma programs in professional and technical disciplines, as well as establishing bachelor's programs in applied sciences to keep pace with environmental, economic and industrial changes, and development in the local and global labor market. The college has many advantages
- Adopting English as an official language in teaching and training all courses in technical disciplines, in addition to all other dealings.
- Adopting external training plans for both trainers and trainees according to their specialties and the specific needs of the college and the community.
Coordinating with the Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) to accredit the college's curricula and courses to keep pace with the latest international curricula.
- Providing communication and internet services for all students and faculty to communicate with the latest and most advanced teaching methods, through laboratories and computer rooms open throughout the school day.
- Providing transportation, training uniforms, stationery, a daily lunch, and many other services free of charge for trainees.
سنوات الحصار (2007 - 2023)

On January 24, 2024, one of the buildings of the UNRWA Khan Younis Training College was bombed, sheltering 43,000 displaced people, 13 of whom were killed and 56 injured.

UNRWA's Director of Gaza Affairs, Thomas White, stated that the training center, which was turned into a shelter, housed 43,000 registered IDPs. "All of them now find themselves at the epicenter of the war in the Gaza Strip, where their lives are at risk as the fighting approaches. Many have been displaced multiple times and have nowhere else to go."

In a press release, White said that UNRWA ambulances and emergency teams were prevented - throughout the day [January 25] and into the early evening - from reaching the site, and when they finally reached it last night they were able to evacuate about 45 people.


The main targeting and events During the genocide