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مؤرخ - تاريخ
Job details
Director of Al-Quds Open University in Khan Younis.
Graduation Details
Graduation year
graduation university
جامعة اليرموك - الأردن
Speciality Details
Date of obtaining the specialty
Speciality location
جامعة آل البيت

Born in Rafah in 1963, he obtained a bachelor's degree in history from Yarmouk University in Jordan in 1987, and a master's degree in Islamic history from Al al-Bayt University in 1999, the title of his thesis was "Education in the Levant in the Ayyubid era."

He worked as director of the Oral History Center at Al-Quds Open University in Khan Yunis, academic and administrative assistant to the director of Al-Quds Open University in Rafah between 2003 and 2022, and then became the director of the university - Khan Yunis branch - until his martyrdom.

He also worked as a lecturer in Libya at the Ministry of Education's teachers' institutes from 1988-1994, as a teacher in several private schools in Jordan from 1994-1998, and in UNRWA schools in Jordan from 1998 to 2000. He then returned to Gaza to be a lecturer at Al-Azhar University, Islamic University and Al-Aqsa University in Gaza for a year, and then a lecturer at Al-Quds Open University in Rafah from 2001 to 2002.

Al-Masri has published several books, research papers and historical studies, including:

  • "The Problematic Participation of Frankish Women in Fighting against Muslims during the Crusades in Egypt and the Levant" (2019)
  • A historical model for the realization of the social peace system: Sultan Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi (2018)
  • The Dialectic of the Palestinian National Authority's Movement to Apologize for the Balfour Declaration on its 100th Anniversary (2017)
  • The symbolism of the keys of return in the literature of Palestinian refugee women and its reflection in the works of Palestinian creators (2011)
  • The Memory of Place among Displaced Palestinians and its Impact on the Culture of the Right of Return (2009)
  • Oral History in the Gaza Strip: A Review of Achievements and Aspirations (2009)
  • Canada Camp for Palestinian Refugees in Rafah Sinai, 1982-2000: An Oral Documentary Study (2002)
  • The Martyrs Return: An Oral Documentary Study of the Martyrs of the Al-Aqsa Intifada in Khan Younis Governorate (2002)

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