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Arab and international condemnation of the massacre at Gaza City's Disciples School
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The massacre committed by the Israeli occupation forces, which resulted in the martyrdom of more than 100 citizens and the injury of hundreds, was met with widespread Arab, Islamic and international condemnation on Saturday morning, after the Israeli occupation forces bombed the "Al-Ta'minin" school that shelters displaced people in the Al-Daraj neighborhood in Gaza City.

Saudi Arabia emphasizes the need to stop the mass slaughter in the Gaza Strip

The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its condemnation of the targeting by the Israeli occupation forces of the "Al-Talebin" school that shelters displaced people in the Al-Daraj neighborhood, east of Gaza City.

The Saudi Foreign Ministry emphasized the need to stop mass massacres in the Gaza Strip, which is experiencing an unprecedented humanitarian disaster due to the Israeli occupation's continuous violations of international law and international humanitarian law, and denounced the inaction of the international community towards holding Israel accountable for these violations.

Egypt calls for an international stance to protect the Palestinian people

The Arab Republic of Egypt emphasized that the continued attacks against civilians in the Gaza Strip are an unprecedented disregard for the provisions of international law and international humanitarian law.

In a statement, the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called for a unified and effective international position that provides protection for the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and puts an end to the series of targeting unarmed civilians.

Egypt believes that the continued commission of these large-scale crimes and the deliberate killing of so many unarmed civilians, especially whenever mediators intensify their efforts to try to reach a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, is a clear evidence of the lack of political will on the Israeli side to end this brutal war, as well as the continued human suffering of the Palestinians under the weight of an international humanitarian disaster that the world is unable to put an end to.

It emphasized that it will continue its diplomatic endeavors and efforts, and its intensive contacts with all influential parties internationally, to ensure that humanitarian aid reaches the Gaza Strip by various ways and means, and to work to reach a ceasefire, no matter how hard it may be or the obstacles it faces.

Jordan calls for a firm international stance to curb Israel's aggression and force it to respect international law

The Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Affairs considered Israel's bombing of the Al-Talebin school a blatant violation of the rules of international law and a continuation of the systematic targeting of civilians and shelters for displaced persons.

The ministry's spokesperson, Ambassador Sufyan Al-Qudah, emphasized the Kingdom's condemnation and absolute denunciation of Israel's continued violations of international law and international humanitarian law, in the absence of a firm international position that restrains Israeli aggression and forces it to respect international law and stop its aggression on Gaza, which results in killing, destruction and an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe.

Al-Qudah said that this targeting, which comes at a time when mediators are seeking to resume negotiations on an exchange deal leading to a permanent ceasefire, is an indication that the Israeli government is seeking to obstruct and thwart these efforts.

In light of the Israeli government's persistent and systematic violations of international law, Ambassador Al-Qudah emphasized the need for the international community, especially the Security Council, to assume its responsibilities to immediately stop the Israeli aggression against Gaza, stop Israel's continuous and ongoing violations of international law, and hold those responsible for them accountable.

Lebanon: Israel's targeting of al-Taba'een school is proof of Israel's disregard for international law

The Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates said that the occupation's targeting of the "Al-Taba'een" school, the systematic indiscriminate shelling and the killing of children and civilians is a clear evidence of the Israeli government's disregard for the provisions of international law and international humanitarian law.

It considered that the continuation of committing crimes against Palestinians, and deliberately dropping such huge numbers of unarmed civilians, whenever the efforts of international mediators intensify to try to reach a ceasefire formula in the Strip, gives clear evidence of Israel's intention to prolong the war and expand its scope.

She called on the international community and concerned countries to take a unified, serious and effective international position to provide protection for the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and put an end to this humanitarian catastrophe, considering that stopping the aggression on Gaza is the first step towards calm and de-escalation and preventing a wider conflict in the region, and activating the peaceful diplomatic track through serious steps that commit the Israeli side to accept the two-state solution in accordance with the relevant resolutions of international legitimacy.

Qatar strongly condemns the shelling of the "Al-Ta'limin" school and calls for an urgent international investigation

The State of Qatar considered the bombing of a school sheltering displaced people east of Gaza City a horrific massacre, a brutal crime against unarmed civilians and a blatant violation of the basic principles of international humanitarian law and UN Security Council Resolution 2601.

The Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs renewed the demand for an urgent international investigation that includes sending independent UN investigators to investigate the facts of the Israeli occupation forces' continuous targeting of schools and shelters for the displaced, and called on the international community to provide full protection for the displaced, prevent the occupation forces from implementing their plans to force them to be forcibly displaced from the Strip, and oblige them to comply with international laws.

She emphasized Qatar's firm position on the justice of the Palestinian cause, the legitimate rights of the brotherly Palestinian people, and the establishment of their independent state on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Iraq condemns the attack on al-Talebin school and calls for a firm stance to stop these crimes

The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the occupation's barbaric attack on the "followers" school and the repeated attacks against civilians are a blatant violation of all international norms and conventions, including international law and international humanitarian law. It also shows the occupation's disregard for international initiatives aimed at stopping the aggression on Gaza.

It reiterated its full solidarity with the Palestinian people and emphasized the need for the international community, and Islamic countries in particular, to take a firm and unified stance to stop these ongoing crimes and provide immediate protection for the defenseless Palestinian people.

Oman condemns the bombing of the al-Da'min school and calls for holding Israel accountable and imposing international sanctions on it

The Sultanate of Oman has condemned the brutal shelling of the Al-Talebin School, considering it a new crime added to the record of heinous crimes committed by the occupation against the Palestinian people, the Sultanate of Oman said in a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Sultanate of Oman emphasized that targeting schools and civilian facilities constitutes a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law and resolutions of international legitimacy, reiterating its call on the international community to take immediate action to stop these blatant attacks, protect innocent civilians, hold the Israeli occupation forces accountable and impose international sanctions on Israel.

It also reiterated Oman's firm position in support of the Palestinian cause and the right of the brotherly Palestinian people to defend themselves and establish their independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital, as stipulated by Security Council resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative.

Russia: We call on Israel to refrain from targeting civilian facilities

The Russian Foreign Ministry has called on Israel to refrain from attacks on civilian targets in the Gaza Strip.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Moscow is deeply shocked by the Israeli airstrike on the "Disciples" school in Gaza.

She emphasized that such tragedies undermine international efforts aimed at calming the situation in the region of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and an urgent ceasefire and prisoner exchange.

"We note with regret that such attacks in the Gaza Strip, whose victims are civilians, are of a systematic nature. We call on the Israeli side to refrain from attacks on civilian targets. We believe that there is no and cannot be an excuse."

Turkey: Israel's attack on Gaza school a new crime against humanity

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said that Israel committed a new crime against humanity by killing more than 100 civilians who took refuge in a school building in the Al-Daraj neighborhood of Gaza City.

In a press release on Saturday, the Turkish Foreign Ministry emphasized that the attack showed once again that the government of Benjamin Netanyahu wants to destroy the negotiations for a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

It emphasized that international parties that have not taken steps to stop Israel are also complicit in this crime.

Kuwait condemns the massacre and calls on the Security Council to provide protection for our people

The Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs considered the occupation's bombing of the Al-Talebin school as a continuation of its flagrant violations of international law, international humanitarian law and relevant Security Council resolutions.

In a press statement, the Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry emphasized the need for the international community and the Security Council to intervene to stop these heinous crimes against an unarmed people and make more efforts to stop the bloodshed.

It emphasized the need to provide civilian protection to unarmed Palestinians and force the Israeli occupation to comply with international resolutions in this regard.

Belgium condemns the attack on the "Disciples" school: Targeting civilian structures violates international law

Belgian Foreign Minister Hajjah Lahbib condemned the Israeli occupation forces' attack on the "Al-Talebin" school in the Al-Daraj neighborhood of Gaza City, killing at least 100 displaced people who were inside.

"This war must stop immediately," the Belgian foreign minister said in a post on the "X" platform today, Saturday.

She emphasized that targeting civilian infrastructure violates international law and is unacceptable.

France condemns the occupation's targeting of the school in Gaza City

France condemned the Israeli occupation raid that targeted the "Dependents" school in Gaza City, which resulted in dozens of martyrs and injuries.

"For several weeks, school buildings have been repeatedly targeted, resulting in an intolerable number of civilian casualties," the French Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The statement added that France recalls that respecting international humanitarian law is an obligation for the Israeli occupation.

Aboul Gheit condemns the occupation's massacre at a school sheltering displaced people in Gaza City

The Secretary-General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, condemned the massacre committed by the occupation forces in a school sheltering displaced people in the Al-Daraj neighborhood in Gaza City.

Aboul Gheit said that the continuation of the genocidal war against the Palestinians in Gaza is a license for Israel to kill with impunity, calling on the international community to exert real pressure on Israel to negotiate seriously, through mediators, for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Lazzarini: Another day of horror in Gaza

The Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), Philip Lazzarini, said, "Another day of horror in Gaza, after another school was bombed, and dozens of Palestinians were killed, including women, children and the elderly."

"All parties are required to protect civilians and infrastructure at all times," Lazzarini said in a brief statement on his Facebook page, stressing that schools, UN facilities and civilian infrastructure are not targets.

He emphasized that it is time to put an end to these horrors and atrocities unfolding before our eyes, we cannot allow these events to become a normal reality, the more they are repeated, the more we lose our collective humanity.

Borel: The images from the Gaza school are horrifying and there is no justification for these massacres, says EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell

"The images from a shelter school in Gaza that was hit by an Israeli strike, with dozens of Palestinian victims, are horrifying," said EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell.

"At least 10 schools have been targeted in recent weeks, there is no justification for these massacres, and we are appalled by the terrible death toll," Borrell said in a post on the X platform.

He continued: "More than 40,000 Palestinians have been killed since the beginning of the war, and a ceasefire is the only way to stop the killing of civilians and secure the release of prisoners.

Arab Parliament: The occupation's massacre of a school sheltering displaced people is a cowardly terrorist act

The Arab Parliament condemned the targeting of the "Al-Talebin" school, describing this act as terrorist and inhumane, and represents a blatant violation and disregard for all international laws and norms.

The Arab Parliament added that the occupation committed this massacre at a time when efforts are concerted to reach a final and permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, which reflects the criminal nature of this entity that does not know peace and stability, and insists on not obeying any agreements, and continues to complete its genocidal crimes, flouting legitimate and international laws and resolutions.

The Parliament called on the international community and the Security Council to take immediate action to stop these grave violations and ensure the protection of the Palestinian people, reiterating its demand that the occupation leaders be held accountable for the crimes they commit against innocent civilians.

He emphasized his full solidarity with the Palestinian people in the face of these attacks, calling for the need to achieve a just and comprehensive peace that ends the occupation and guarantees the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and the establishment of their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.

"The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) condemns the bombing of the Gaza school and calls for the protection of our people

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) considered the crime of targeting the "Al-Talebin" school as an extension of the brutal massacres and the crime of genocide committed by the occupation for more than ten months in the Gaza Strip, in flagrant violation of international law, the orders of the International Court of Justice and the relevant resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.

The organization held the occupation forces fully responsible for these ongoing crimes, renewing its call to hold Israel, the occupying power, accountable for all war crimes and crimes against humanity it commits in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including the occupied city of Jerusalem.

The organization also called on the international community, especially the UN Security Council, to compel Israel, the occupying power, to respect its obligations under international humanitarian law, impose an immediate and comprehensive ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, and provide international protection for the Palestinian people.

"Gulf Cooperation Council: Targeting a school sheltering displaced people in Gaza is a war crime

The Secretary-General of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, Jassim Mohammed Al Badiwi, expressed his condemnation and denunciation of the new occupation crime in Gaza.

Al-Budaiwi stressed that the continuous and violent attacks by the Israeli occupation forces on Palestinian civilians in Gaza and the rest of the Palestinian territories, and their direct targeting of shelters and camps for the displaced, are war crimes that highlight the dangerous criminal approach of the occupation forces, and constitute a flagrant violation of international and humanitarian laws and treaties, without any consideration for legal, moral and humanitarian values.

He called on the international community to assume its responsibilities and take immediate and serious action to immediately cease the ceasefire, stop the dangerous Israeli military operations, and hold those responsible for these violations accountable.

Al-Azhar condemns the "Disciples" massacre: A crime that all human languages are unable to express its cruelty and barbarism

Al-Azhar Al-Sharif strongly condemned the brutal bombing by the occupation forces, at dawn on Saturday, of the "Al-Ta'minin" school that shelters displaced people in the Al-Daraj neighborhood east of Gaza City, during the performance of the displaced people's dawn prayers, which led to the martyrdom of more than 100 citizens, and dozens of severe injuries.

In a statement, Al-Azhar emphasized that this treacherous criminal act that attacked innocent civilians while they were performing dawn prayers, along with their women, children and elders, is a crime that all human languages are unable to express its cruelty, ugliness and barbarism, and is devoid of all meanings of mercy and humanity.

He added that the Israeli occupation has persisted in killing the weak and innocent, starving them to death, and practiced in blowing up their homes and blowing up their shelters, in full view of the international community, which has been paralyzed and unable to stand up to the terrorism of this brutal entity and its supporters.

Al-Azhar called on all the free people of the world to continue pressuring this terrorist occupation by all means to stop its crimes and acts of genocide practiced daily against the owners of the land in Palestine, and said: "Let everyone know that history will not spare those who are silent on these heinous crimes."

United Nations: Israel has carried out 21 attacks on schools housing displaced people since July 4, killing 274 people

The United Nations Human Rights Office condemned the Israeli occupation forces' targeting of schools to which thousands of citizens have been forcibly displaced, the latest of which was the bombing of the "Al-Talebin" school in Gaza City, which resulted in hundreds of martyrs and injuries.

In a press release, the UN Human Rights Office explained that this is the 21st attack targeting a school, each of which serves as a shelter, since July 4, killing at least 274 people, including women and children.

The office said: "The repeated strikes on shelters for displaced people in areas where citizens have been forced to relocate, and the ongoing and predictable impact on civilians, indicate Israel's failure to strictly comply with the obligations imposed by international humanitarian law, including the principles of distinction, proportionality, and precautions in attack.

He added that these systematic attacks on schools come in the context of the displacement of more than 90% of Gaza's citizens while the occupation army continues to blow up residential buildings and restrict the entry and distribution of humanitarian aid.

He noted that the displaced face unspeakable horror after 10 months of hostilities, including multiple forced displacements, the rapid spread of disease, and continued denial of access to the basic necessities of life, and for many of them, schools are the last resort to find some shelter and potential access to food and water.

Winsland: Civilians in Gaza continue to suffer daily amid terror, displacement and endless suffering

"Civilians continue to suffer daily from the scourge of this conflict amid terror, displacement and endless suffering," said UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wensland.

"The cost of this war in terms of lives becomes clearer with each passing day, as we witnessed another devastating strike on a school sheltering thousands of displaced Palestinians, causing dozens of deaths," he said in a statement on Gaza this evening.

"An end to this nightmare is long overdue," said Winsland, urging a ceasefire and emphasizing the UN's commitment to support all efforts to achieve this goal.

Egypt's Ashraf Syndicate condemns school massacre

Mahmoud Al-Sharif, the head of the Order of Ashraf in the Arab Republic of Egypt, condemned the Israeli occupation's bombing of the "Al-Tabibeen" school east of Gaza City, which houses displaced people from various areas of the Strip, during the performance of morning prayers, which led to the martyrdom of more than 100 citizens and the injury of hundreds of people.

In a press statement, the head of the Ashraf, Mahmoud Al-Sharif, emphasized that targeting worshippers in mosques and places of worship and attacking them is rejected by all divine religions, and stressed that the use of force and unjustified killing of civilians is a flagrant violation of human rights and international humanitarian law, calling for the need for the Arab and Islamic nations to unite to confront the brutal aggression of the Israeli occupation.

He praised the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in clinging to their land despite the brutal attacks they face from the Israeli occupation forces, stressing the categorical rejection of the displacement of Palestinians from their land.

"UNICEF: Schools and shelters must be protected and violence against children must stop

"Schools and shelters must be protected, and this violence against children must stop," said the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).

"Horrific reports of another attack this morning on a school in Gaza sheltering displaced people, and reports of children killed and injured in a place they thought was safe," the organization said on its Facebook page today.

The Israeli occupation forces committed a new massacre at dawn today, Saturday, in the "Al-Ta'minin" school that shelters displaced people in the Al-Daraj neighborhood in Gaza City, which resulted in the martyrdom of more than 100 citizens and the injury of hundreds.

The Israeli occupation forces continue their land, sea and air aggression against Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023, which resulted in the martyrdom of 39,790 citizens and the injury of 91,702 others, while thousands of victims are still under the rubble and in the roads and ambulance and civil defense crews cannot reach them.