She won high school in 1984 with an 85% average, and aspired to study medicine, but her average did not allow her to do so, so she applied for a scholarship at the Faculty of Medicine at a Polish university, but it did not take place for special reasons, so she enrolled in the Faculty of Science at the Islamic University, and initially specialized in mathematical physics, and with the opening of the physics department, she switched her specialization to it, and graduated from it with the first rank in her class in 1994, and was called to teach on an hourly basis at the Islamic University.
In 1997, the Islamic University opened a master's degree in physics, so she enrolled the following year, and prepared her thesis to be the first student to obtain a master's degree in physics from the Islamic University with an average of 89%. She started working on her doctoral research in 2004, as it is a scientific research that needs a lot of time to be completed. After completing her research, she wrote to universities outside Palestine, registered in an Egyptian university, and was accepted, but she was rejected for security reasons, so she went to foreign and Arab universities online, including universities in Malaysia and Sudan, and was accepted in both universities, so she went to Sudan, defended her thesis, and received her doctorate from the University of Science and Technology in Sudan in 2010.
She is the wife of academician Mahmoud Abu Daf, and they have 7 children, 4 boys and 3 girls.