He studied in schools in the Gaza Strip and received his doctorate from Ain Shams University in Egypt, where he studied educational psychology in the Department of Clinical Psychology. He was also a member of the academic staff at the Faculty of Medical Sciences at Israa University in the Gaza Strip. He is a psychotherapist and vocational trainer, holds a master's degree in the field of psychology, and managed the "Center for Psychological Counseling and Human Development" in Gaza, as well as the "Crisis Tool Community Training Center" in Gaza.
Dr. Abu Hein has participated in many academic conferences and meetings within his specialty, in Europe and America. He also has many peer-reviewed articles published in scientific journals.
The occupation forces arrested Dr. Abu Hin in 2003, on charges of possessing weapons, after demolishing his family home, killing three of his brothers under the pretext that they belonged to Hamas, in addition to about 12 people in the area, including 3 children, and injuring 40 people. According to human rights centers, during his detention, he was deprived of sleep and forced to remain in painful positions for long periods of time during his interrogation.