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اخر تحديث:
University College of Science and Technology
التصنيف الرئيسي
Ownership type
Khan Yunis
– Khan Younis: Qizan al-Najjar - near the Courts Complex
سنة التأسيس
رئيس الجامعة
د. أحمد عايش أبو شنب
عدد الأكاديميين
عدد العاملين
Students Statistics
Number of Students /Males Number of Students /Females Number of Students /Total
1195 1021 2216
Number of New Students /Males Number of New Students /Females Number of New Students /Total
501 448 949
Number of New Graduates/Males Number of New Graduates/Females Number of New Graduates/Total
74 42 116
نبذة عامة

It was established by a decision of the Ministry of Higher Education in 1998, under the name Community College of Professional and Applied Sciences. In 2007, it was transformed from a college offering an intermediate diploma to a "university college" offering a bachelor's degree in nine specializations.

تفاصيل التأسيس والتمويل
It was established by a decision of the Ministry of Higher Education in 1998, under the name Community College of Professional and Applied Sciences. At the time, it was the only academic institution in the Gaza Strip that offered applied education.

In 2007, it was transformed from a college offering an intermediate diploma to a "university college" offering a bachelor's degree for about 9 majors in various fields. It also attracted the best academic expertise consisting of 660 academics, including 270 doctorate and master's degree holders, in response to the requirements of working in the college environment from the administrative, financial, and technical aspects. The University College also provided qualified administrative staff in various units and departments, numbering 243 male and female employees, to provide the best services to the college community, including students, parents, and faculty. The college continued to provide the local market with an elite group of graduates who occupied important positions in local and regional institutions in the governmental and private sectors, in addition to a number of its sons continuing their academic education to obtain bachelor's and master's degrees. In 2009, the college introduced development programs, according to the plan to improve the quality of educational outcomes and enhance their relevance to the needs of the local and regional community. The university college established a community service center, which included several important facilities, such as the Continuing Education Center, the Speech Disorders Clinic, MEDAD, and the Animation Unit. Continuing the college's development program, a branch of the college was opened in Khan Younis in 2009 to serve the students of the southern Gaza Strip governorates.

The University College of Applied Sciences is one of the largest technical colleges in Palestine, providing its academic services to about 6,000 students in more than 60 majors in bachelor's degrees, intermediate diploma, and vocational diploma. To meet the urgent needs and desires of the labor market.
Martyrs of the university