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اخر تحديث:
Palestine Technical College
التصنيف الرئيسي
Ownership type
Deir al Balah
Address – Headquarters: Deir al-Balah - West of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital Gaza branch: Intelligence Street - Behind Al-Maqousi Towers
سنة التأسيس
رئيس الجامعة
عميد الكلية/ د. هيثم خليل عايش
عدد الأكاديميين
عدد العاملين
Students Statistics
Number of Students /Males Number of Students /Females Number of Students /Total
1305 882 2187
Number of New Students /Males Number of New Students /Females Number of New Students /Total
581 336 917
Number of New Graduates/Males Number of New Graduates/Females Number of New Graduates/Total
230 178 408
نبذة عامة

The college was established in 1992 under the name "College of Vocational Sciences", and with the establishment of the Palestinian National Authority, on the territories occupied in 1967, the college was officially opened and the foundation stone of its new building was laid on 28/1/1996 under the patronage of H.E. Minister of Education and Higher Education Mr. Yasser Amro on behalf of the late President Yasser Arafat, thus this college is the first specialized governmental technical institution in the Gaza Strip.


تفاصيل التأسيس والتمويل
With the establishment of the Palestinian National Authority in the territories occupied in 1967, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education attached great importance to building an independent Palestinian state on solid scientific and technical foundations. The General Department of Technical Education and Colleges at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education carried out the necessary planning for public colleges, including the Palestine Technical College in Deir Al-Balah, which developed its equipment, specializations, and departments in line with the needs of the Palestinian society.

The college was officially inaugurated and the foundation stone of its new building was laid on 28/1/1996 under the patronage of the Minister of Education and Higher Education, Mr. Yasser Amro, on behalf of the late President Yasser Arafat, making this college the first specialized governmental technical institution in the Gaza Strip.

Palestine Technical College - Deir al-Balah Deir al-Balah for more than twenty-eight years to prepare creative competencies that are adapted to the requirements of the labor market and characterized by professional ethics in support of building the national economy. In order to keep pace with scientific and technological development, the college opened bachelor and diploma programs by opening 6 different bachelor specializations in addition to 16 specializations for the diploma degree. This prompted the college to expand beyond the geographical area it covers by establishing a new headquarters in Gaza City in 2015, which included all the specializations offered by the mother college and witnessed a remarkable turnout since its opening due to the quality of the programs offered by the college and its suitability to the needs of the changing market. In response to these changes to develop educational policies, the college worked to raise the quality of the educational process, improve and continuously develop the various technical disciplines, and introduced the e-learning system as one of the supporting systems for the study in order to develop educational technology in the college, in addition to developing and updating some disciplines to keep pace with modern changes and developing the vocational training center affiliated with the Continuing Education Department, which includes 10 technical vocational disciplines.
The university explains its vision as follows: Towards a leading technical university that advances man and country to meet the renewed needs of society and achieve sustainable development Mission The Palestine Technical College - Deir Al-Balah is committed to providing distinguished technical and academic programs that contribute to the preparation of qualified national outputs and the employment of information technology and research and development to serve and build society for the sake of progress and development.
Goals and Objectives - Developing technical and academic education in various disciplines to meet the needs of society in accordance with international standards.
-Improving the teaching-learning environment in order to provide appropriate services and facilities for all staff and students at the college.
-Strengthening the administrative and organizational capabilities of the college in line with the vision, mission and strategic goals of the college.
-The College's financial management and rationalization of expenditures in order to achieve a balanced budget and full self-reliance.
-Developing the capabilities of the college to assume a distinguished role in developing and meeting the needs of the community.