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اخر تحديث:
Al-Azhar University
التصنيف الرئيسي
Ownership type
Khan Yunis
– Gaza: Jamal Abdel Nasser Street
سنة التأسيس
رئيس الجامعة
د. عمر ميلاد
عدد الأكاديميين
عدد العاملين
Students Statistics
Number of Students /Males Number of Students /Females Number of Students /Total
6395 7905 14300
Number of New Students /Males Number of New Students /Females Number of New Students /Total
1474 1914 3388
Number of New Graduates/Males Number of New Graduates/Females Number of New Graduates/Total
867 1017 1884
نبذة عامة

It started in 1991 with two colleges, namely: The College of Sharia and Law and the College of Education. It now includes 12 colleges and offers bachelor's degrees in 80 disciplines, master's degrees in 36 programs in different disciplines, and doctorates in 5 programs in different disciplines.

تفاصيل التأسيس والتمويل
Thinking about establishing the university began in 1975, based on the needs of the Palestinian people for higher education, in light of their demographic, social and economic conditions under the Israeli occupation. At the request of the Palestine Liberation Organization, UNESCO prepared a feasibility study for the university project, which was completed in 1980 and approved by the UNESCO General Conference. In 1981, the Palestinian National Council approved the project, but the Israeli invasion of Lebanon prevented its implementation until 1985.

The university opened a temporary headquarters in Amman in late 1985, with the official approval of the Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Work during the period 1985-1991 focused on preparing study plans and faculties, accrediting scientific disciplines, and producing educational materials, especially printed materials, student books, and audio-visual auxiliary educational media.

In 1991, the university started its educational services in Palestine, taking Jerusalem as its main headquarters. It established branches and study centers in major Palestinian cities. At the beginning, it included hundreds of students, and then the number of students began to increase, year after year, until it reached approximately 45,000 students. The university graduated its first cohort of students in 1997, and this stage was extremely difficult, as it witnessed, from the beginning of its birth on the land of Palestine, the growth of the Palestinian popular intifada, which erupted against the Israeli occupation in 1987, and suffered from the effects of the Gulf War, which caused financial crises in the darkest political, social and economic conditions of the Palestinian people.

The university opened branches in the Gaza Strip, the first branch was established in 1992 in Gaza. The Khan Younis branch was established in 1999, and in accordance with the university's strategy to provide private buildings, a new building was built on a plot of land measuring 15 dunums, and academic and administrative life began at the beginning of the academic year (2013/2014). In 2001, the university branch was opened in North Gaza. In 2002, the branch was opened in the central governorate, which was given special importance due to its location in the center of the Gaza Strip. In accordance with the university's strategy of providing privately owned buildings, a new building was built on a plot of land measuring six and a half dunums, and academic and administrative life began in the new branch building at the beginning of the academic year (2013/2014). In the same period (2001-2002), the Rafah governorate branch was officially opened, and in accordance with the university's strategy of providing privately owned buildings, a new building was built on a plot of land measuring ten dunams, and academic and administrative life began at the beginning of the academic year (2013/2014).

Al-Quds Open University adopts a system that combines traditional education with e-learning (blended), which transcends the boundaries of time and space, and provides teaching and learning opportunities with high quality and cost-effectiveness. It is based on the printed curriculum, classroom lectures, face-to-face meetings and exams, and the pillars of self-learning. It employs modern technology in the educational process, especially e-learning, with all its tools and means, in a manner of programmed education, practical and training activities, to serve the learner and his independence, and to complement face-to-face meetings within the criteria and conditions of enrollment in traditional and modern education systems.
سنوات الحصار (2007 - 2023)

In July 2018, buildings belonging to the university were targeted by the occupation aircraft, resulting in significant material losses. Since its establishment, the university, like other higher education institutions in Palestine, has been subjected to repeated attacks from the occupation, especially in the wars (2008, 2012, 2014, 2020, 2021), as well as in the multiple rounds of escalation.

With each new destruction, initiatives were made to communicate with Arab, Islamic and international institutions, in an attempt to expedite the restoration and repair of what was left behind by these deadly wars.

الرواية أثناء حرب الإبادة

On October 11, 2023, the university's main campus in Gaza was severely damaged, affecting the Faculty of Intermediate Studies and the buildings of the scientific faculties.

On November 4, 2023, Israeli occupation warplanes carried out airstrikes on the Al-Azhar University building in Al-Maghraqa, east of Gaza City, almost completely destroying the building. This branch includes two buildings. The first consists of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, the Faculty of Sharia, and the Faculty of Education. The second, the King Hassan II Building, houses the Faculty of Agriculture, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and the Faculty of Law. This branch also houses six laboratories and the university's radio and television station. The Haider Abdel Shafi Medical School building in Tal al-Hawa was also partially damaged. The university farm in Beit Hanoun, which belongs to the Faculty of Agriculture, was completely destroyed.

According to Sami Musleh, the university's vice president for academic affairs, the university suffered heavy material losses, amounting to more than 221 million dollars due to the Israeli aggression.

Significant damage was caused to the buildings of the West Campus faculties, including the university's central library, the Faculty of Dentistry with its clinics and laboratories, the Faculties of Education, Arts and Humanities, the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Haifa Great Hall, Acre Great Hall, Sheikh Muhammad Awwad Hall, and the Water and Environment Institute with its laboratories and classrooms.

Al-Azhar University - Gaza, and the major destruction it suffered, especially its new buildings in the new building complex south of Gaza City (Maghraqa), was one of the most important evidences of the Israeli state's approach to the systematic and deliberate destruction of the infrastructure of educational institutions, which was presented by South Africa in its argument before the International Court of Justice in its case against Israel on charges of genocide.

The main targeting and events During the genocide

Martyrs of the university

صور خلال الحرب