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مهندس - هندسة معالجة الإشارات
Job details
Dean of the College of Media and Information Technology at the University of Palestine
Graduation Details
Graduation year
graduation university
الجامعة الإسلامية
Speciality Details
Date of obtaining the specialty
Speciality location
جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن

Ahmed Hamdi Abu Absa, a Palestinian academic born in Gaza City, finished high school in Gaza with honors. He joined the Faculty of Engineering at the Islamic University and received a Bachelor's degree in Communications and Control Engineering in 2005, a Master's degree in Computer Science in 2007 from the University of Virginia in America, a Master's degree in Communications Engineering from the Islamic University in 2012, and completed his PhD in Signal Processing Engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in Saudi Arabia in 2018.

He joined the University of Palestine as an assistant professor and assumed the deanship of the College of Media and Information Technology. He was the director of the iBridge project at the university, a project that aims to build the capabilities of software engineering program students, connect them to the labor market, and improve the chances of exporting software to international markets.

أبرز الأحداث