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أكاديميين - التأهيل المجتمعي للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة
Job details
Special Education Supervisor and School Quality Assurance Coordinator, Education Program, UNRWA.
Graduation Details
Graduation year
graduation university
University of Calgary
Speciality Details
Date of obtaining the specialty
Speciality location

Academician Yaghi holds a doctorate in psychology from Egypt and two master's degrees: The first in disability sciences from Flinders University, Australia, and the second in psychology from the Islamic University in Gaza, in addition to an advanced diploma in mental health from a joint international program in Gaza (Gaza Mental Health Program). He worked at UNRWA's Department of Education in Gaza as coordinator of the School Quality Assurance Unit, specializing in inclusive education and disability inclusion, director of the Special Education Team and Learning Support Centers, an educational specialist in special education, and a former special education supervisor.


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