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اخر تحديث:
Islamic University
التصنيف الرئيسي
Ownership type
الفرع الرئيسي: ش.الثلاثيني، الرمال، غزة – Gaza: West of the city in the southern Rimal neighborhood, approximately one kilometer from the Gaza Strip's seashore
سنة التأسيس
رئيس الجامعة
أ.د سفيان تايه
عدد الأكاديميين
عدد العاملين
Students Statistics
Number of Students /Males Number of Students /Females Number of Students /Total
6971 9639 16610
Number of New Students /Males Number of New Students /Females Number of New Students /Total
1768 2518 4286
Number of New Graduates/Males Number of New Graduates/Females Number of New Graduates/Total
1642 2290 3932
نبذة عامة

The Islamic University of Gaza was established as an outgrowth of the Al-Azhar Religious Institute. On April 12, 1977, the institute's committee took a decision to develop the institute into an Islamic university, initially comprising the Faculty of Sharia and Law, the Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion, and the Department of Arabic Language. It was inaugurated in 1978.

تفاصيل التأسيس والتمويل
The Islamic University of Gaza was established as an outgrowth of the Al-Azhar Religious Institute. On April 12, 1977, the institute's committee took a decision to develop the institute into an Islamic university, initially comprising the Faculty of Sharia and Law, the Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion, and the Department of Arabic Language. In the academic year 1979-1980, the Faculties of Fundamentals of Religion and Education were opened, and the following year the Faculties of Commerce and Science were opened, and in the academic year 1985-1986 the university decided to open the Faculty of Nursing, but it was forced to postpone this due to the refusal of the occupation authorities, so it returned and opened it in the academic year 1992-1993, and in the same year it opened the Faculty of Engineering, in the academic year 2004-2005, the Faculty of Information Technology was opened, and in 2006 the Faculty of Medicine was opened.

The Islamic University started in the academic year 1978-1979, with 25 students and a faculty consisting of 5 members, one of whom holds a doctorate and 4 hold a master's degree. Since that date, the faculty has developed with the increase in the number of faculties, the development and multiplicity of academic programs, and the number of doctoral and master's degree holders in the academic year 2007-2008 reached 339 faculty members, 221 doctoral degree holders and 118 master's degree holders, in addition to 48 teaching assistants and laboratory technicians.

The number of students who enrolled in the Islamic University reached (25) male and female students in the academic year 1978-1979, and ten years later, the number of male and female students reached (358) in the academic year 1988-1989, and in the academic year 1998-1999 the number of male and female students reached (8615), and in the academic year 2008-2009 the number of male and female students reached (20,396). In the academic year 2022/2023, about (17,874) male and female students, including (16,212) at the bachelor's stage, and (1662) at the postgraduate stage.

In contrast, the number of students who graduated from the Islamic University in Gaza amounted to three students in the academic year 1981-1982, and ten years later, in the academic year 1991-1992, (197) students graduated from the university, in the academic year 2001-2002, (1609) students graduated from the university, and in the academic year 2008-2009, (3,355) students graduated from the university, bringing the number of those who graduated from the university to (22,448) male and female students, and with the academic year 2021-2022, the total graduates of the university since its establishment (87,487) male and female graduates.

Today, the Islamic University is an independent academic institution of higher education, operating under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, and is a member of: The Union of Arab Universities, the Association of Islamic Universities, the Association of Islamic Universities, the Association of Mediterranean Universities, and the International Association of Universities.

The Islamic University has also won many awards: The Islamic University has won many awards during its journey: The Best Palestinian University Award for the year 2013. The Best Administration Award for the year 2013. The International Star Award for Leadership in Quality in 2013. In 2022, it ranked first in Palestine and 29th in the Arab world, according to the UniRank global ranking. In 2022, according to the same ranking, it ranked first in Gaza, fourth in Palestine and 27th among Arabic-speaking universities in 2022. On 21/10/2012, the Islamic University in Gaza officially awarded Noam Chomsky an honorary doctorate degree in the presence of university officials, during Chomsky's visit to the Gaza Strip at the head of a delegation of ten Western intellectuals, to participate in a scientific conference on linguistics and literature organized by the university.

During a ceremony held on the occasion, Chomsky thanked the Islamic University in Gaza for recognizing him with an honorary doctorate degree, and appreciated the warm reception he received at the university from the moment he entered the Gaza Strip. Jamal Al-Khudari, Chairman of the University's Board of Trustees, said, "Awarding Chomsky this degree is an expression of the University's deep appreciation for his noble humanitarian positions in support of the Palestinian people and solidarity with them."
سنوات الحصار (2007 - 2023)

Since its establishment, the Islamic University has been subjected to continuous attacks by the occupation army and its administration in the Gaza Strip prior to its withdrawal in 2005. It was constantly raiding its premises and arresting its students and faculty members. It was also closed for years during the First Intifada because of the prominent participation of its students and professors in the activities of the Intifada. Some of its student cadres and graduates later became involved in Palestinian political and resistance work.

In 2006, an airstrike targeted and damaged the student council building, following the resistance's capture of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.

During the December 2008 aggression by the Israeli occupation against the Gaza Strip, warplanes bombed the central laboratory building at the Islamic University, leveling it to the ground. The bombing also caused significant damage to other buildings at the university. At the time, Israel justified its targeting of the university by claiming that its laboratories were used "to manufacture and develop rockets and that its halls were used to hold meetings of the Hamas leadership in Gaza."

In the 2012 aggression, the Israeli occupation launched an incitement campaign against the Islamic University, after UNESCO's decision to grant it a seat in astronomy, physics and space sciences. The Israeli Foreign Ministry said that the Islamic University in the Gaza Strip "constitutes a center for the activities of the Hamas terrorist movement," indicating that in this university "many engineers who prepared explosive devices and explosive materials were trained and trained." The Israeli Foreign Ministry also said that the Islamic University in the Gaza Strip "constitutes a center for the activities of the Hamas terrorist movement," noting that in this university "many engineers were trained and trained who prepared explosive devices and explosive materials. The occupation foreign ministry also accused the university and its chemical engineering department of supporting Hamas' military wing. The university's president at the time, Dr. Kamalin Shaath, responded by denying what he called "ready-made fabrications," pointing out that the university does not have a "chemical engineering" department.

In the 2014 war, warplanes bombed the Islamic University, this time targeting the administration building, which was partially destroyed, along with other buildings belonging to the university. The occupation also justified its raids on the university, claiming that the university was used for "collecting donations for Hamas in the name of university conferences" and that it "constitutes an important military operational center for the military wing of Hamas."

الرواية أثناء حرب الإبادة

The Israeli army spokesman accused the Islamic University of "turning under Hamas rule into an important center of political and military power in the terrorist organization, working to qualify, train, develop and produce combat means."

The targeting of the university began on October 09, 2023, when warplanes launched a series of violent raids on the main headquarters of the Islamic University, which lasted for several days, which led to its complete destruction, during the aggression that the occupation began on Gaza on October 7, 2023. The bombing hit the administration building, the central library, the laboratory building, and the Al-Quds, Taiba, and Al-Lahidan study buildings, and later the occupation army showed a video recording of the violent raids on the university.

The occupation forces blew up the medical school and the university hospital in Mughraqa, completely destroying them, and turned the place into an Israeli military base.

The university's branch in Khan Younis governorate was also severely damaged; the first building was bombed and completely destroyed, while the second building was vandalized.

Heavy Israeli airstrikes completely destroyed buildings at the educational facility, AFP quoted Ahmed Orabi, an official in the university's administration, as saying. "No one can enter it because of the burning fires and the scattering of stones and rubble on the roads surrounding the university," Orabi said.

The Islamic University published a statement on its Facebook page on 10/10/2023, explaining the Israeli targets that affected the university:

"Large parts of the buildings of the Islamic University in Gaza suffered great damage and severe material losses as a result of the Zionist bombardment that hit Gaza City yesterday, Monday, 9/10/2023. The Faculty of Information Technology building, the Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education building and the Faculty of Science building suffered great damage to all their equipment, laboratories and furniture, in addition to breaking most of the glass and facades of the university buildings.

Yesterday, Israel bombed several ministries, headquarters and government institutions in the vicinity of the university, including the Islamic University of Gaza, causing extensive damage to the surrounding area.

The university appeals to all international institutions, organizations and bodies to intervene quickly and work hard to protect the institutions that serve all Palestinian people from these attacks and to work immediately to ensure the right of students and the educational process from these attacks and to work immediately to ensure the right of students to safe education and intervene to limit the occupation's racist policies and stand in front of its arbitrary attacks against the educational process.

The university also calls on academic institutions, international universities, their employees and their unions to stand by the Islamic University in Gaza and Palestinian universities, and to denounce the occupation's racist attacks against Palestinian educational and academic institutions.

Islamic University of Gaza"

The main targeting and events During the genocide

Martyrs of the university

صور خلال الحرب